Imagine having a clear illustration portfolio which strongly appeals to your ideal clients. A portfolio that shows the value you can bring to them through your illustrations. A portfolio that will get you the commissions you want. Sounds perfect right?
If that’s what you aspire, you’ve come to the right place. I can help you to bring your portfolio and consequential your career as an illustrator to the next level.
What we’ll discuss during a portfolio review
You’re current illustration portfolio and where you want to go
Wether your portfolio is in line with the kind of illustrations you want to make
Wether your portfolio is in line with the clients you’re aiming at
How you can show the value your illustrations bring to your ideal clients
What you could do to bring your portfolio to the next level and make it perfectly aimed at the clients you want
Concrete next steps you can take to achieve the above
Any portfolio-related questions that come up during the process
This portfolio review is really aimed at the business aspect of your portfolio. That means I won’t comment on the creative side of your illustrations. I won’t say if an illustration is good or bad, because that’s mainly down to taste. I will only give feedback that will help to make sure your illustrations appeal to the kind of clients you’re looking for. Feedback that you can use to strengthen and improve your portfolio.

After a portfolio review you will have a better understanding of:
The kind of illustrations you want to make
Who your ideal clients is
How to show potential clients the value your illustrations can bring to them
Concrete ideas for new illustrations that will bring your portfolio to the next level
Concrete plans for some next steps to take in your career portfolio-wise