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Live-sketching events in September

September is almost here and it's going to be one busy month with lots of live-drawing events ahead. In fact, it will already start tomorrow on 31 August, with me drawing at the Grazia Hotel Takeover in the Arena Hotel in Amsterdam to celebrate Grazia's 10th birthday. Preparations are already in process! And here is my calendar for September. If you want to get a personalized drawing or Totebag, Apeldoorn (Netherlands) and Dusseldorf (Germany) are the places to be this month.

Upcoming live-sketching events:

2 September Noa Noa Apeldoorn | personalized watercolor sketches.

8 September Vogue Fashion Night Out | personalized Totebags for

Ted Baker at Breuninger Departmentstore in Dusseldorf

9 September Petit Merci Apeldoorn | personalized watercolor sketches.

30 September Buining Fashion Apeldoorn | personalized watercolor sketches.






Do you have a question about custom-made illustrations, 

live illustration, or something else? Drop me a note on the above e-mail address or use the contact form below. You can write me in English or Dutch and I will get back to you within a day. Speek soon!

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